Best Neurologist in Delhi



Dr. Manvir Bhatia is ‘Best Neurologist in Delhi’ & Sleep specialist in india and has a great experti


Dr. Manvir Bhatia is best neurologist in Delhi & best sleep specialist in India and has great expertise knowledge in the field of neurology and sleep disorder, at Neurology Sleep Centre has world-class Neurology and sleep Services available for in clinic . Dr.Manvir is Director of Sleep medicine and senior Neurologist at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute-New Delhi and Neurology Sleep Centre, New Delhi. She is currently the Vice President of Indian society of Sleep research. She is the author of the book “The Sleep Solution” first non-fiction book on sleep, in India.

She was invited by the WHO to participate in developing guidelines for health issues related to ‘Sleep’. She has been awarded the Indira Gandhi Mahila Ratan Award & has won the best prize for “10,000 women Entrepreneur Certificate Programmed at ISB”, Hyderabad. She has also been awarded by AAPIOS (American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Boston, for “Extraordinary Contribution in Sleep Medicine” for the year 2017, for increasing the awareness of sleep medicine throughout, research and training of sleep experts in India.


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