What are ethics case studies?



In the UPSC civil service mains exam, the General Studies Paper 4, also referred to as the Ethics Ex

In the UPSC civil service mains exam, the General Studies Paper 4, also referred to as the Ethics Exam, can be challenging for many applicants. Both the theoretical and case study portions of this paper have roughly the same weight in terms of grades. Candidates may find it easy to answer questions in the theory sections of the exam, but case studies could be their downfall.

Questions on theory or case studies are included in the UPSC Mains ethics section. For the UPSC, ethics case studies are typically in-depth descriptions of actual situations in which a civil servant faces a moral conundrum. It will by definition be a circumstance in which there are no obvious right or wrong decisions. EDEN IAS, to assist the aspirant in becoming well-versed with all types of circumstances and ethics case studies within it.

They will work to develop an engaging environment for the student in this course so that s/he can master this crucial General Studies-IV skill on time and reach his/her full potential while writing case study answers. Along with solutions and practice exercises, they also offer an appropriate hand-holding strategy to handle ethics case studies and the proper way to respond to them.

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